Thursday, September 10, 2009

in the news

Today is Friday and I am feeling pretty good about where things are; need to still get some fresh food and the bottles of optional water from the store, sort out the bag going to Funchal and the one going back to Seattle.
Have had some good chats with folks in the media and my supporters/sponsors. One was with Tom Milne of Remote Medical in Seattle. Our chat is posted on their blog page: I also did a video interview with Duff from YachtPals ( Lastly but certainly not least I had a very good chat with Lin Hines which he is incorporating into a story both on his page: and on Sailing Anarchy:
And probably my biggest news of the week is that Sailing Anarchy is going to be helping out my program for the TransAt. I am right now working on getting some stickers made up here in La Rochelle which might be a little challenging but I am optimistic.


Joby Easton said...


While I have been having my fair share of good adventures over the past couple years, it doesn't compare to the mission you've set out on.

Most people have NO IDEA what it takes to even get to the start line for events of such caliber. Truly a bucket list item in life.

Funny thing is, most of these dream-to-reality things are usually conceived in about January after a couple barley pops - but then to put it in motion and follow through is what sets people apart. I suspect somewhere about mid way through at about 2 in the morning the typical 'WTF was I thinking?' as you're dealing with a parted halyard, shrimped kite and a squal. What you were thinking was, what are my boundries, why can't I, I'm not getting any younger, I will never have enough money - it's time to go!

Safe travels - press on.


Moore #114 said...

Chris. Nice to see you got a bit of press on SA. Now I know you have a site to watch. All the best in prep and the event. Frecklebelly Madtom will be cheering for you!

Liza said...

Good luck, Chris! Did you bring the stuffed frog for luck?